1950 Richmond Terrace
Staten Island, NY 10302
(T) (718) 448-3658 | (F) (718) 273-4368
Frequently Asked Questions
Please read our FAQ’s before sending us a message.
What regions do you service locally?
Rainbow Cabinetry services all 5 boroughs of New York City and surrounding Cities in New Jersey.
How long does it take to get an estimate?
We generally schedule estimates to be done the day after an appointment is made. If need be, we can have a specialist come to you for the same day.
Do you have a price list available?
Because every job we take on is custom and labor and fabrication costs have to be factored in, we provide all pricing during our estimates. If you know a model number for a specific brand please call our office and we can provide you with pricing.
What form of payment do you accept?
Rainbow accepts all major forms of credit cards, cash and checks.
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